Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 9th ... a very good day indeed

We had two very good, on-time flights which got us to our hotel, the Edison, by 3 p.m. We quickly dropped our bags and walked the 30 seconds to Time Square. The photo above has posters of three of the shows we are seeing. We then were heading over to Radio City Music Hall to get tickets for the Rockettes Christmas Show and the backstage tour when we came across the Magnolia Bakery. It is regaled as one of the best bakeries in the city and it is a tiny, tiny shop that's pretty old. Yummy, yummy cupcakes!

We went down the couple of blocks of 47th Street that have shop after shop selling diamonds. Many have Jewish owners and we had a chuckle at this traveling Bar Mitzvah venue that was parked in front of one. It looked pretty elegant inside.

Once we got our tickets, we headed back to Times Square and I found my good friend The Naked Cowboy ... yes, Elizabeth, better than your Free Hugs guy. I asked him if he could be photographed with an old lady. He looked at me and said, "Darlin', there ain't no old lady here!" Sigh!! LOL

The weather is as perfect here as it has been at home so we better head out now for some good nightlife.

1 comment:

  1. Hello intrepid travellers!
    Would it make your trip even better if you knew that we are blanketed in snow at home? Enjoy the nice weather while you can - though I think that cowboy looked chilly until you bravely tried to warm him up - that's very kind of you Brenda.
    I must be getting old because I was just as excited about the cupcakes as the man. Will you be recreating them for tea club?
    Are you going to see Kristen Chenoweth? She has a terrific voice. I loved her in Pushing Daisies and in Glee.
    Thanks for the vicarious travels. L
